Scott Markwith, Ph.D., Florida Atlantic University
Prospective Students
Turnover in personnel is the rule in academia, as we happily graduate trained, educated, and experienced students to pursue their personal goals and productively contribute to society. Consequently, there are often opportunities for new undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and visiting researchers to join the lab. If you are interested in a currently available funded position, have your own funding, or would like to talk research ideas, please use the contact page, or contact me directly at smarkwit@fau.edu.
The research conducted in the lab broadly falls within the discipline of ecological biogeography. It involves the application of biogeographic and ecological theory and methods. Students with substantial course work and degrees in physical geography, landscape ecology, population and community ecology, restoration, wildlife ecology, biology, and forestry are encouraged to apply. In addition, skills with GIS and remote sensing, spatial data analysis, ecosystem and process modeling, inferential statistics, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and experience with R and programming and valued.

Current Funded Opportunities
There are currently no grant funded opportunities in the lab. Please check back again in the future. Graduate students, please consider applying for a Teaching Assistantship if you are interested in pursuing a degree, see information below.
Graduate Students
Graduate students are typically funded as Research Assistants or Teaching Assistants. Information concerning Teaching Assistantships can be found on the Department of Geosciences website. Fellowships are also an option, please contact me if you are interested in applying for a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.
Postdoctoral Researchers
If you have an idea for a project, please get in touch. I would be happy to collaboratively develop a proposal for postdoc funding.
Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate research is valued and promoted at FAU, and opportunities do arise for the participation of highly motivated and skilled undergraduates to contribute to lab research efforts. Opportunities typically involve field sampling, processing samples and data, collection of existing data, working with GIS and remote sensing data, and other possibilities. Independent study and undergraduate research credits are options. In addition, students who wish to develop their research and pursue Undergraduate Research Grants are encouraged to reach out.