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Scott Markwith, Ph.D., Florida Atlantic University
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Tetrasat is no longer supported or updated by the authors/creators. If you have problems, please consult the user's manual for tips.
Current Research Projects
Examining the effects of post-fire management strategies on vegetation and fuels in conifer forests with altered fire regimes in the Sierra Nevada range of California (with USFS and Asha Paudel).
Ecosystem and food web modeling in Lake Okeechobee to examine the influence of management decisions on community and population dynamics of freshwater species (with Heather Smith).
Monitoring utilization of restored habitats by juvenile and adult fish species common in the Central Lake Worth Lagoon (with Adam Kobylski).
The influence of deadwood management in western forests on megafires, biodiversity, and carbon sequestration (with Rabindra Parajuli).
Habitat use and human-wildlife conflict in a fragmented ranching dominated landscape in the Pantanal wetland of Brazil (with Julio de Souza).
Ecosystem and food web modeling in Florida Bay to examine the influence of recreational fishing, climate change, sea-level rise, and Everglades freshwater management on community and population dynamics of estuarine species (with Mason Smith).




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